Living With Asthma - TEST
Asthma is one of the most common chronic medical conditions in children. Many children with asthma miss out on school, sports and other activities. However, it is the goal of asthma management that these children can do anything that a child without asthma can. It is important for family members to learn how to identify and avoid asthma and allergen triggers; recognize and prevent asthma attacks, understand medications, and help manage asthma at home to assure the optimal health for your child and prevent ER visits and hospitalizations.
JMA's Asthma Program
At Jeffers, Mann & Artman Pediatrics we have an Asthma Program specially designed to follow nationally recognized guidelines to help children have well-controlled asthma.
Involve the Whole Family
It's important for family members to learn these four things:
- Identify and avoid asthma and allergen triggers.
- Recognize and prevent asthma attacks.
- Understand medications and how to use them.
- Help manage asthma at home.
JMA's Recommendations
If your child has been identified as asthmatic, we recommend the following:
- Comprehensive asthma evaluations at least every 6-12 months. These visits can be combined with an annual Wellness check.
- Spirometry (computerized Lung Function Studies) every 12 months for children 6 years and older.
- Yearly flu vaccines.
- Evaluation of asthma triggers, such as allergies, infections, cigarette/tobacco smoke exposure, changes in weather and exercise.
- Asthma education regarding appropriate medications and equipment.
Asthma Control Test (ACT)
Prior to each 6 month visit, please complete the Action Control Test (ACT) for your child. To fill out or print a copy of the ACT, please log on to the CHADIS website and click on "Asthma Visit". For a Spanish copy, choose the appropriate tab at the top right of the page.
Educational Resources
See the following educational handouts for more information on asthma.
- What is Asthma? - Triggers and treatment for the most common chronic childhood disease
- Your Asthma Program - We will work with you and your family to create a program to control your child’s asthma
- Stop Smoking - Resources and Support Groups