Online Resources
We have put together the following list of websites we believe will be helpful to you in caring for your child.
This information is for reference purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the views of Jeffers, Mann & Artman Pediatrics nor is this information intended as a substitute for professional medical care. By using this information you agree that you understand these terms and that you will not hold Jeffers, Mann & Artman Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine responsible for any information or consequences as a result.
General Information
- Centers for Disease Control
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- - Symptom Checker
Car Safety
- - Rear-Facing Car Seats for Infants & Toddlers
- - Car Seat Checkup
- American Academy of Pediatrics Immunization Information
- National Network for Immunization Information
- CDC Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia - Vaccine Education Center
- American Academy of Pediatrics Breastfeeding Information
- Nursing Mothers of Raleigh
- La Leche League International
- Triangle Breastfeeding Alliance
- US Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health
- Breastfeeding Online
- - Autism
- Autism Webinars - Autism Society of NC (
- Autism Speaks